Mathematical proof is unrefutable when mathematics itself has proven its own resolution.

What is the resolution for mathematics!?

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I would venture to say the CTMU provides the resolution for mathematics. Being an irreducible proof for the metaphysics of the universe. Though the mathematical language in the CTMU is the part I understand least about.

I was more saying in my article that proofs (such as for pythagorean theorem) are irrefutable once established. That is geometric and Euclidean spaces can be proofed absolutely. As for a resolution, when I hear this word I think only of the resolution provided by Langan. Though I could be wrong depending on what you meant by ‘resolution.’

Thanks for your patience with me and for adding to the discussion, best, - Greg

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The resolution of mathematics is, logical outcome inside reality.

After this, the questions what is time, logic, reality, etc. can be poured inside and unbreakable string-of-words.

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