Sitemap - 2023 - Wilford Institute of ‘History’

A New Focus in My Writing (and Going Paid)

4 Practices for the ‘Visionary’ and Remarkable Success in Life—Master ‘Internal’ and ‘External’ Communications to become a Master Communicator/Strategist

The ‘Humility Competition’—How Christians Undermine Their Fellows’ Ambition towards Responsibility (for what is salt without saltiness? Faith without works is dead).

How to Lead a World Changing Movement & Managing Good People for a Cause—Towards Ultimate Achievement and Prosperity [In 3 Key Maxims] Chesterton and Goethe

Reclaiming the Values of the Greatest Generation (An Exercise in Abundance Mindset) & ‘Trump and Tate’ Top-Gs—Remembering My Grandfather

God Registers All Things (So Pray for Your Enemies —And that They and You have a Merry Christmas in the Spirit of Our Lord Jesus’)

That We’re Living Inside the Mind of Larry Fink

Christ is a Totalitarian

Autobiography of a Man Who studied ‘Political Science’—Why the CTMU and Christian Dawn is the Key to the Future

On Free Speech, Manners, ‘Disgust’-response, and Verbal-Graffiti; from a Content Producer and YouTube Channel Runner

My and Our Destinies in the Lord, by Mr. Gregory Mathew Wilford — Stepping Into Dominion; The Christian Dawn in My and Your Life

Carry Across the Salt Flats, Crusader in a Strange Land…God and His People in Your Heart

Greene’s The “48 Laws of Power” vs.—Wilford’s “2 Laws of Holy Righteousness.”

CTMU Compatriots 'Braintrust' Ep.1 - Interdisciplinary Aspects of the CTMU (Video)

‘Worship as Warfare’—“The Lord Mighty in Battle;” The ‘Last War’ and Grand Strategy of CTMU Compatriots vs. The Banksters—The Crusade against Satan’s armies, In Jesus’ Name By the Holy Spirit

The Interdisciplinary Aspects of the CTMU; ‘Braintrust’ Ep. 1—German New Medicine (John Ohm) and Biblical Technics (Digital Archeology)

Christian Leadership in Your Life and Career—Laws of Human Nature (Video)

Cognitive-Theoretic Modelling as the Future of Western Philosophy (Video)

The Reason for Optimism, Wealth and Prosperity In-Mindset

CTMU Technology Application: ‘Architectural Design Technologies’ (ADTs) of the Metaphysical Science

‘Confession of Christ, vs. Antichrist in the World:' On Allies, Co-Belligerents and Concentric Circles of Trust

CTMU Stratified Identity vs. Intersectionality—On the Matrix of Historical Crime and Culpability [Proofing Good vs. Evil]

Developing the ‘Christian Metaphysic:’ (Weber) The Rational Metaphysic to the Religious Ethic

Are We Yet Heroes?

The Incredulous 'Accept' - [a message to ‘Psychosis’ class of the diagnosed]

The Weighing

Forge On

What is a House

A Heart Killed (I And Foreign to the Machine)

A Grey Day Vision (in Red Dress)

Embrace the Inner Dummy: Building Sand Castles vs the Critics

'Telosis' a CTMU Poem by BN Braughton

Aiming at Kingship, the Only Possible Way of Personality Integration [Peterson Re-Emboldened]

Looking for God and Greatness ‘Low Enough,’ lesson from a Landscaper’s Son.

CTMU Ideology—Dasein, Ethnos & CTMU Stratified Identity as Fourth Political Theory

CTMU MOVEMENT—Intentional Communities and A Silent Revolution; the Battle for Hearts and Minds

To Be Like ‘John Candy,’ the Jolly Spirit of Saint Nick, My Grandfather Merv’—Even if It Kills You in this World

CTMU View of ‘Futurism,' —A Vision of ‘Liberation’ and ‘LifeWorlds’

Wisdom & Odin’s Eye: On Knowledge, Magic, Runes, Spells and Intellect —IN The Real World

On Money and a Rebellion of ‘Telesis’

The Compatriots of the CTMU (A Fellowship)

True Mark of Intelligence is An Aura of ‘Problem Solving’

Why God Created the Perfectible/Redeemable Cosmos, Nature Perfected in Him—the Miracle of Love & My Personal Testimony

You’ll Remember Me When the West Wind Moves—‘Fields of Gold’ Jesus Washing the Feet, With You Always.

Driven Away from the University System, Men find Refuge in the CTMU; its Ideas and Culture.

The 21st Century ‘New’ Man of Science—Heideggerian ‘Technology-Enframing’ & The Changing Images of Man

CTMU MOVEMENT—How to Lead a Team of CTMU Scientists and Diffuse a Philosophy into Civilization;

‘I have prepared a Way for You’ saith the Lord; My Ark and Heart Freed in God.

Empire of Dirt; Dominion of God Over All

Against the Wicked One [‘Committee of 300’], We Fight as Soldiers in the Standard of the Lord - ‘to fight a losing battle - and not lose it.’ - G.K. Chesterton

Oh Lord, Open The Hearts of Stone, Heaven Needs Their Company of My Friend, My Father, and a Good Soldier

Work, Industry, Renaissance and the Rest of God

Hear Me Here - The Power of Weak Men in God, Our Salvation, and the Passing of the Storm [Against Virtue Ethic]

Dear All—A Shift to Free Writing

The CTMU is Science

Faith, Hope, and Love and the Newly Infinite Resource of Time—In Life Eternal

The ‘God Instrumentation’ Argument—Wilford Against Lacan-Zizek Atheist Axis

To Be A Righteous Man in a World that Hates You, Come Apocalypse, Come What May

How Can We be Assured Against a Global Wipe? What Was the Passion of Christ

Not a Wasted Life—Studying the Mystery of the 'Christ Metaphysic’ as Perfection

Across the Sea of Words—A Voyage Replete in the Lord

God Loves All—But God Hates Sin; The Truth about the Sinfulness of Homosexuality and the Christian Objection

No Two Ways About It, It is Real-All of It: ’The Resurrection’—Therefore, 'the Christ Metaphysic’

Imprison Trump?, You’ll Bring a Second Civil War; ‘Live Free Or Die.' Speak plainly...

What is Assurance of Salvation? How Can I Know that I live in God.

CTMU Culture —Recapturing the Telic Economy

The More Mundane Truth behind Dedication, Discipline, and Mastery/Hierarchical Competency.

What Do You Stand For? To the Saviours of the West

Langan’s Hope for a Priesthood, hyper-intelligent, trained in the foundational language of Reality

CTMU Culture—‘The CTMU as an Institute [of All Science and Technology]’

CTMU Culture - ‘Keeping the Faith & In Perseverance Hope’

[Podcast] Practical Application of the CTMU?: It is Enlightenment 2.0!

Reality (is) as a Language. Is this really so Ridiculous? I think not.

CTMU As Enlightenment 2.0; the New Found ‘Belief:’ Mastery of the Universe, Freedom

Practical Application of the CTMU?: It is Enlightenment 2.0!

A Ferrying Out Across the Great Divide—God’s Calling; Solzhenitsyn, Simon Peter, and Your Christian Freedom

Carl Jung’s Anti-Metaphysic and Empirical Phenomenology of Self. A Distrust of Words?

Truth, Hope, and Clear Vision: Being-In Christ, w/ CTMU as Aegis [‘Shield’] of God

‘Christ Metaphysic' [w/ Cognition/Personalization] in CTMU: The Knowledge of God.

“The Most General, Powerful, and Necessary” - The CTMU On Language Part 1

Man vs the Law; Justice vs Utility (Why Globalism + Utilitarianism is Always Totalitarian)

The Soul of National Freedom (Why Nationalism is Truer to Authentic Humanity)

The Bridgehead of Our Fight Against Klaus Schwab and the Globalists (Where Words Make Deeds)

The Division and Roles of the Branches of Philosophy: Ethics, Metaphysics, Logic, Epistemology.

Newsletter: I Just Lowered My Prices - Read Away

The CTMU’s Aristotelian and Platonic Roots

The Task of Naming the New American Culture Revolution: who are ‘Liberal Fascists?’

‘Consciousness’ in Old Metaphysics Vs. in CTMU; Outgrowth Response

The Power of Living Faith — It is Mightier than Gothic Architecture, Man’s Kingdom, or State Houses of a Republic

Liberal-Democrat Russophobia + Blundering has Spawned the New Anti-Western Axis of Evil (China-Iran-Russia)

Newsletter: Happy Belated Easter - He Is Risen!

Reality (is) as a Language. Is this really so Ridiculous? I think not.

How We the ‘Rebel Alliance’ Win the Singularity War

The Reality of the Sci-Fi Movies like ‘Elysium’ and ‘Star Wars:’ The Infinite Accumulation of Information Technology (IT) Capital

'Capital in the Twenty-First Century:' A Harrowing 10 Year Retrospective

The Area where Marx has us ‘Dead to Rights.’ False Consciousness & Ideological Superstructure of the Parasitic Overclass

Beware of the “That’s not Science!” Squawkers. What is ‘Real Science?’

{Open Letter} The Theological Model of CTMU : What ‘Holopantheism’ Actually Means [Corrective to Myself]

Chris Langan Against Bernardo Kastrup (New Metaphysics ‘CTMU’ vs. Old Academy Metaphysics) — And Our Intellectual Dark Web Mission

Our Great Western System-Builders — (Plato/Kant : Heidegger/Langan)

A Reminisce of My Allegiance to Langan. Our Fight in the Trenches.

My Quick Thoughts on ‘Rapture’ and Our Real Eschatology

The CTMU as ‘Logos,’ a Concept of Encapsulation.

The Unceasing Mystery of the Logos, in Language and in Faith: Christ as ‘the Word’ and words in General

The Meta-Religion of Chris Langan

The Kingdoms of the World (Temptation) vs. The Kingdom of Jesus - in which we are Priests (Life Eternal)

The ‘Apocalypse’ of Boomers/Gen X vs The New Hope of the Millennials/Zoomers. A story of the Remnant, of Faith, Hope, and Love.

The ‘Circle Drawing’ Operation of the CTMU and of Past Metaphysics. Universal of 'Circle.'

The Philosophers' Heap (A Story of ‘King of the Hill’ and avoiding the ‘Dustbin of History’). With a Christian Rejoiner.

CTMU Dialogue between G-Dog and K-Man

The tapestry and living tableau of the Kingdom

A Preface for 'Logos and Man'

Why Scripture as Metaphysic?

The Use of Earthly Philosophies as extension of ‘Media.’ Or ‘Useful Medias of Thought.’

Towards a Scripturally Derived Metaphysic (My New Book Manuscript + Thesis)

The Logos Inhering in You (a refinement of the notion)

The Historical Metaphysic of the Historical Logos

Logos Down from the Mountain and as Relational

The ‘Logos’ Inhering In Me (The Gift of the Word); and Ploductivity

Heidegger of ‘Apocalypse,’ the Unveiling or Occurrence of Beyng & Dasein; within the Book of Revelation

Heidegger in Cognitive Theoretic Modelling of the Universe

Modern/Postmodern Writers, Historians, Philosophers, Theologians are Weak Except when they Aren’t .

Why Theology (and Theologians) will always be Dismissed yet Direly Needed in the Church.

The CTMU Guide for Dummies: Explained in Simple Sentences

The Vision of NT Wright as the 21st Century Penultimate Reformer: Towards a New Christian Metaphysic

Our Relationship to ‘Hell’: A Postmodern Reformative Outlook of Hope

‘The Knives at Each Others Backs:’ A Polemical Against Respected but Erring Men of Faith; And of Christian Metaphysic.

Exegesis of Romans 5:3-5. The Divine Gift of Suffering; the Pouring of Hope into Our Souls by the Holy Spirit. And personal testimony.

The Art of Manliness OR What in Gratitude I am Thankful for Of my Ideal Self

Teleology and the Telic Principle: ‘God in the Room right next to Me’

The CTMU Precludes Nihilism (an Ode to Metaphysical and Epistemic Hope).

Modern Atomism, Isolation, and Concrete Jungle (Solution! Live like Dr. Evil)

Is the CTMU Epistemic or Metaphysic?

The Gold Rush of the Information Age

The Act of Speechifying - The Highest Apex of Powers

Why Younger Millennials Love the movie Step Brothers

The CTMU Perpetuators, a Community

The Unseen Realization of the CTMU

Business School as the New Training of the Platonic Guardian Class (an Ode to Steve K. Bannon);

Steve Bannon's Life is Literally Dr. Evil

My Review/Coverage of Peterson's Breakthrough New Lecture 'Logos at Ephesus'

Monk Mode, the Significance of the Head Shave and Gnosis.